Monday, November 10, 2008


I'm so excited to move this coming summer. Our plan is still to move to Northern CA. Our house is so small. And with 4 children, a dog, a bird and two fish it can become over-crowded. Sam and Kecia are still praying with us that Rob can transfer and that we can find a home to buy and settle down. I will probably continue to do CEF in CA and try to become involved in Jr. High Bible studies. Sam and Kecia's church is very very friendly. We already know people there and Logan would fit right in. He would have wonderful examples to follow and many men who love the Lord that would help to teach him how to be a man of God (Kecia's brother, dad, uncle, grandfather and of course my brother Sam all love Logan and want to see him grow in the Lord). Plus Rob would be incouraged by all these men and many more who have already met him. I am so excited for all of us and I wish we could move today. But we want to wait until the baby is about 5 or 6 months old. I may even start packing right after the baby is born..... we'll see. Here are pictures of my neices and nephews (and their friend).

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