Tuesday, December 2, 2008

7 weeks left and counting

I went to see my midwife today. I'm measuring 41 weeks, but that's because my lovely little girl descided she didn't like being upside down. She's completely upright and man is it uncomfortable. She needs to get with the program though and switch back within the next two weeks. Otherwise I will have to see a dr. about moving her back down. Ouch!!! I was wondering what was going on. On Monday I went to the post office and I was standing in line when she started to turn. It hurt big time. Her head was down so to have her do a complete 180 while standing there wasn't fun. It hurt so bad I thought she was going to rip my stomach open and pop out. I could see her move, the pain brought me to tears. Now because she's in the wrong place every time she moves it hurts. But... she has a ton of hair. We could see it clearly on the ultrasound. I'm excited to see what color of hair she will have. Please pray she moves back down and that it won't hurt too much. Toni, my midwife, wants to see her down by the 16th of December. My children love to come early so she needs to be ready.

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