Wow! It is quiet here. Its New Years Eve and I just put all three little ones down for a late nap. This is a first in a long time. I am so tired, you would think I would be sleeping myself. Lizzy has been up every two hours for the last 4 nights. She just smiles at you when she has woken you from a deep sleep, I can't seem to get mad at her. I do, however, wish she would sleep a little longer.
We have been so blessed this Christmas with family and friends. My husband and I both agree that we are addicted to our kids. They make us laugh and love us back so much.
This year we have been blessed with our little Lizzy. She was born on January 13 and is an added joy to our family. We also have had many sorrows, some personal, and then the loss of our beloved Timothy. What a beautiful baby he is to me. I think of him daily and I think, he has Christmas every day. I pray daily for Christ's return so we can all be together as a family. Until then I pray also for salvation for my kids and I strive to train my children in the way of our Lord. If I can teach them to keep Christ at the center of their lives then they too can have Christmas every day.
This coming year Rob and I hope that we can find a home to meet our growing family's needs. One that is close enough to his work and within our budget. I also am still planning on resigning from CEF this year. My goal is April, we will see what God's goal is first though. :) I am really having a hard time raising my children the way I would like and giving CEF the attention it needs.
We are still potty training Colton. He is not easy. He goes on the toilet when I tell him to, but he doesn't go when he fills the need. I would like to have Alainna potty trained this year as well. If anyone wants to come over and do this for me, that would be great. This is not my favorite part of being a mother.
Logan is attending Youth For Christ and LOVES it. He is making friends and wants to change schools now so he can be with his new friends. We'll see.
Lizzy has started walking while pushing her scooter. She laughs and scoots around. When does she not laugh? I have never seen a baby as happy as she is. She is really a comfort and a wonderful blessing to me at this time.
I will leave you with a picture of Colton putting his lite saber away. He is very clever for a 3 year old.